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pavalawrf / mpasvala

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:26 pm
by kalassak
for discussing pavalawrf

check out the website here: (under construction)

Re: pavalawrf

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 5:02 am
by kalassak
updated the coastline shapefiles


all future plots will now display coastlines representative of revision 251 (from 2022-02-04)

the current run (the "september run") will continue to use land/elevation data from (afaik) revision 225 (from 2019-12-04)

if you want to take a look at the shapefiles:

Re: pavalawrf / mpasvala

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:17 am
by kalassak
got mpas to compile and run properly finally

and figured out a way to plot contours directly using the hexagonal grid (with matplotlib's tricontour) so that it doesn't have to be converted (lossily) to a lat-lon rectangular grid first


now i can start to convert the wrf plotting scripts to use mpas output! though i'm not exactly sure how i'm gonna do winds (where do the wind barbs go?)

for those not up to speed on the current pavala weather/climate simulation situation, we are investigating using mpas instead of wrf because:

1 it's meant for global-scale simulations (wrf is first and foremost a regional model, though it does have an unsupported global setup that it can be run in)
2 wrf was having issues near the poles and i was unable to get much past a week in the "september run" test simulation, probably due to not being meant to run as a global model and the weird "rectangular" grid shapes you get near the poles (very short cell x widths)

but unfortunately this means basically starting over from scratch and rewriting all of my scripts that i had set up already